Friday, January 27, 2006

A Few Ground Rules...

When I say "Ground rules" I mean it in the sense of "Basic procedures of conduct," not in the sense of "here are some rules, which I have ground up." Just so we're clear.

Wombat's 3 Rules of comedy:

1: Anything coming out of an ass is funny. This one should be no surprise to anyone who has read this blog before, but it's true. For some reason any object or substance or noise coming from an ass is instantly imbued with an extra dose of funny. The same does not hold true for things going in an ass. Some of those things are funny, but some are not. In the case of ass-entry, it really depends on the object. But ass-exit? Always funny.

2: If they're laughing at you, they're still laughing. I'm a big believer in the idea that the laugh is something you should willingly sacrifice yourself for. Who cares if they're laughing with you because you're so fucking hilarious, or at you because you're so fucking stupid. You're still making them laugh, and that is a service to humanity. Good news for all of you dumb motherfuckers out there.

3: Never insult someone directly unless you're pretty sure they can take it. This may come as a shock to insult comedians everywhere, but I just don't think attacking people is funny. Making fun of people who don't know you're making fun of them is one thing, but I'd never walk up to someone and shred them to their face because I just don't think it's funny to make someone feel bad. If you get off on that then you are a waste of skin. However, if the person in question is a bud, and you know that they get that you are just busting their balls, then have at it. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that people who can take getting shredded and dish it back out are my favorite people in the world.

Note: Some of you who've known me for a while may notice that the monkey rule is gone. Monkeys are cliche. I was wrong about the monkeys. Monkeys are no longer funny. Unless they're coming out of your ass. (see rule #1)

Wombat's Spoon Rule:

There is a strict heirarchy when it comes to the use of spoons. Spoons meant for eating and not for mixing generally come in three sizes: The large "soup" spoon, the small "tea" spoon, and the tiny spoon you sometimes see in fancy restaurants. Pay attention.

- Ice cream should always be eaten with the tea spoon. You do not want to eat ice cream in giant "soup spoon" bites. You want to take your time and enjoy the ice cream. Unless you take so much time that your ice cream melts. If this happens either your spoon is too small or you are retarded. Yogurt? Same rule applies.

- Soup should always be eaten with (no surprise here) the soup spoon. The same applies to cereal. When your job is basically to fish little tiny floating corn flakes out of a sea of milk, you need a wide net. Anyone eating cereal with a teaspoon should have their head examined. And by "examined," I mean "run over by a truck."

- If you find yourself eating with one of those tiny spoons, immediately stick it up your ass. That's the only thing I can think of that the tiny spoon is good for. This would also be one of the instances where something going in your ass is funny. When the spoon comes back out? priceless.

- There is only one food item you are allowed to eat with a mixing spoon: Mashed Potatoes.

Wombat's Straw Rule:

If you are drinking a milkshake, or even better, chocolate milk, (or even better, chocolate malted milk!) You must use a bendy straw. I keep a box of bendy straws around for exactly these occasions. If at all possible, the bendy straw in question should be the kind with the red and blue stripes running up its length. A solid-color bendy straw may be used only if no striped bendy straw is available. Non-bendy straws are out of the question. Why? If you are going to drink a kid's drink, then drink it like a kid, for fuck's sake. And don't give me that crap about your milkshake being too thick to drink through a straw. Quit being a huge pussy and put some effort into it.

Wombat's Movie Food Rule:

Just because the modern movie megaplex now sells nachos and hot dogs and seven-course French meals, it doesn't mean you have to order them. Eat dinner before the film, or eat dinner after the film. Do not subject the people around you to the horrifying stink of your batter-dipped hot dogs or your tub of melted cheese. The movie theater is like a giant elevator: We are all trapped in here together until the ride's over. Smelly food has no place in a theater. The one exception is popcorn, which, while admittedly smelly, has kind of become part of the theater experience. It's tradition. You expect to smell popcorn. You don't expect to smell rib dinner and falafel.

A good rule of thumb is, if your order requires one of those red plastic trays, eat it in the lobby.

Wombat's American Apostrophe Wake-up rule:

Listen up, America: You have exactly one year to learn how to use the apostrophe correctly. That should be enough time for everyone to get the hang of what's a contraction, what's possessive and what's plural. After one year, I am hereby allowed to beat you to death with an 18" green rubber dildo if you write that you are serving "pear's" on your menu.

The single exception to this rule is when using the word "it." I know proper time to apostrophize "it," and you should too, but I'll admit that shit can confuse you. Because it runs (not run's) counter to the usual way of doing a possessive. If you use "it's" incorrectly, you get a pass. No dildo-beating.

Wombat's Washing Your Hands After Peeing Rule:

Here comes the one where I alienate all the women and half of the men. Guys, you do not have to wash your hands after you pee, provided you have not peed on your hands.

I tried to explain to Sal that there is no need for washing if your hands are not actually urine-soaked, and her response was "yeah, but you touched your penis." Ladies, some of you seem to be laboring under the false premise that our penises are these horrid, feces-caked garbage sticks. I'd like to go on record as stating that I wash myself regularly, and that when I wash myself, I wash my penis right along with the rest of me. I then place my penis safely inside some nice clean underwear. The underwear then goes inside of some pants. There my penis spends the large majority of the day, riding around inside layers of cotton and denim, fully separated from the horrors of the outside world. My penis is probably the cleanest part of my body. If anything, when I pee, my penis should be upset that my filthy hands have touched it.

So gentlemen, as long as you don't have terrible aim, or don't understand how to properly use your equipment, you do not need to wash your hands. If you take a dump, then by all means, please wash them, but not when you pee.

Ladies, I have no rule for when you pee, because whatever it is that goes on inside of the ladies bathroom is a divine and unknowable mystery to me. There may be flocks of angels. Maybe they wash your hands. I'm in the dark on this one.


Blogger tfg said...

Which spoon should I use to freebase my blow?

6:54 AM  
Blogger Zenchick said...

okay, that thing about your penis almost made me tinkle.
Which, when you think about it, is ironic.

12:02 PM  
Blogger Maven said...

Two things...

Loved this sentence fragment:
... our penises are these horrid, feces-caked garbage sticks.

Also, re: small spoon...

Up the ass, SIDEWAYS and I am right there with ya!!!

12:07 PM  
Blogger acw said...

Wait a minute. You stuff you penis into your underpants- your dirty, skidmarked, sweat-making underpants- and you don't want to wash your hands after you touch it? Are you kidding me?

If I told you I had been walking around all day, and then you watched me stuff my arm up to the elbow down the front of my pants, and then I offered to shake your hand, you're telling me that you would have no problem with this since my penis is supposedly in a "green zone" in my pants?

Remind me to never shake your hand again.

12:26 PM  
Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

granted, the penis is somewhat protected being in the pants and underwear, but it is also stuffed in there with the balls and the butt, otherwise known as the stink twins and the birthplace of all evil.

farts cling, man, and odors are just tiny particles. also, i know you may never admit to this, but if you've ever been near a set of balls that have been trapped in undies all day, the smell might kill you.

1:25 PM  
Blogger melissa said...

Huh. Everyone is dwelling on the penis cleanness. I'm still stuck on the 18" green rubber dildo. You were so makes me think you have one already...oh, God...

I agree with you, though. It's one of my biggest pet peeves as I read to see ridiculous misuse of apostrophies. I'm taking online classes right now and we have to comment several times per week for each class, thus proving to me that most of my classmates are complete idiots.

How about you tack on knowing the difference between your and you're and their and there? Infringments of this amendment should also warrant dildo-beatings.

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note to self: refrain from reading Wombat's blog (note proper use of apostrophe) when sitting near young children, as they will want to know why I am laughing like a hyena on meth, and I am not quite ready to have that particular conversation with them just yet!

5:57 PM  
Blogger leesepea said...

Boy, and I thought I had a lot of rules!

The next time my boyfriend suggests I use a serving spoon when I yelp because there are no clean teaspoons left in the utensil drawer and I've already unwrapped the celophane from a fresh carton of ice cream, I will direct him to this post.

8:53 PM  
Blogger kim said...

Forget the twelve months and just beat me with the dildo now. Maybe not for the wrong use of the apostrophe, but then again, maybe for that -- the punctuation Gods are surely pissed with me for something -- most likely for using ALL the marks, wherever I feel like putting them, in order to run on and on (notice how I like these things: -- ).

Let's talk about the hand washing rule. The penis touches the sweaty balls. Plus, I didn't even think about the skid marks! Thanks for pointing that out ACW. And what about the cheese from unda? Even if you bathe regularly, there are formation stages which begin almost immediately (it's a hunch).
I don't think you are basing your hand washing rule on complete information and I'm asking you to reconsider.

12:42 AM  
Blogger CommonWombat said...

Boy, how sweaty and cheesy do your balls get, Derphangus? As for me, the balls get washed regularly right along with the penis, and yes, they get sweaty sometimes, but it's usually only a mild sweat.

We're missing the point here though. Yes, the penis is subject to some sweatiness and pants-based humidity issues, but lots of my body parts get mildly sweaty from time to time, and I don't freak out about them... You're telling me, with all the things I come in contact with on a daily basis, with doorknobs and car seats and other people's children, you're telling me that if my hand comes in contact with a little penis sweat that NOW it's filthy???

You guys are buying into the myth that your dongs are disgusting filthbags. You need to give your dongs some credit. You also need to get just a little more relaxed about germs. Germs are there to sell you soap and 15 different kinds of lotion. I really don't think if you touch your penis, you've suddenly become Typhoid Mary.

Unless you just fucked Typhoid Mary. Then, please wash up. Thoroughly.

1:13 AM  
Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

i forgot to tell you i agree about the spoons.

that bothered me all night long.

12:02 PM  
Blogger kim said...

Though some swear they're the size of church bells, I don't actually have any balls.

I base my concerns about the sweat and cheese, on assumptions made while listening to boys talk about the sweaty cheesy ball issue(it's burned into my brain and sometimes the knowledge interferes with my mental focus during sexual relations).

Perhaps you are correct that a few bacteria won't do any harm. Maybe mild ball sweat from an unwashed penis contact hand provies the perfect amount of bacteria for a good immune system workout. Maybe you are actually helping people.

Without fear of germs, how will the lotion industry continue to sell all 15 kinds?

Never mind, I just remembered another conversation where the topic was "the lotion of the month club" (from the boys I know who never have dates and don't know why*).

*Sometimes having cheese, and the brand of lotion with the best composition for spanking it are after market facts, not selling points.

(Sorry I totally went into blogging mode in your comment section).

7:17 PM  
Blogger Masked Mom said...

The real question is once you get the spoon up the ass (sideways or otherways), do you jiggle it?

10:17 AM  
Blogger karla said...

I think everyone's missing the point on the handwashing issue. The real truth is that MOST men need to wash their hands after peeing, but Wombat does not. Why? Because sure, the penis has some bacteria and general filth on it, but when you're talking about a penis so small, so tiny, so microscopic--in other words, Wombat's penis--the potential for the spread of germs is nil. Imagine knowing that the head of a pin was filthy and corrupt--would you worry about touching that tiny, tiny surface? No, because at most, you'd get a billionth of a germ on you, which amounts to almost nothing.

Most men, on the other hand, have reasonably sized junk in their undies, and there's plenty of room there for germs to live and breed. Those are the men who need to wash their hands after peeing.

So Wombat, relax. Let the men with normal penises bear the burdens that come along with ownership.

12:52 PM  
Blogger CommonWombat said...

Karla's not wrong.


1:45 PM  
Blogger CommonWombat said...

Why is her labia disgusting? If I'm willing to put my face there in the bedroom, why would I be horrified to get it on my hands? Who was it that taught you that your labia are filthy?

Tel, I swear to god, the scenario you described wouldn't bother me. I'm just not afraid of dead weiner-skin cells, a little labia juice, or germs. I don't think anything bad will happen if I get a little of the above on my hands. I've long since come to grips with the fact that we are CONSTANTLY ingesting germs, fecal matter and dead skin. Honestly. IT DOES NOT HARM US. Is it gross to think about? Sure. But whether we think about it or not, It's happening. You swallow other people's shit all day long, my friend. That's why you have an immune system.

Now stop fearing my weiner, all of you.

12:43 AM  
Blogger Jules said...

Oh, thank God somebody finally had the balls to say it (no pun intended)! Did anybody ever tell you that God made dirt, and dirt don't hurt? Geez, people. Have you ever noticed that it's the germophobes who are the sickest? It's because they spend so much time avoiding germs that they never build up any kind of immunity to ANYTHING. Then, they catch something and are laid up in the bed for two weeks, on the brink of death because the immune system has no antibodies. Is it really that hard to figure out?? And, by the way, I wouldn't have any problem shaking hands with a guy if I happened to know that he just used the bathroom and didn't wash his hands. He touched his own SKIN, not urine.

2:06 PM  
Blogger PomHeart said...

but there is pee on your penis... that's the big deal. you wash up because you touched something that potentially already has pee on it. most guys i know do the shake thing and don't wipe it off, so presumably pee stays on your manhood... and then you rumage around grapling with the beast and there you go. bacteria grow in nice warm moist places... even if it's "mild" sweat, you're still growing yucky stuff.

but aside from that... can i use a mixing spoon to eat instant choco pudding out of the mixing bowl?

7:24 PM  
Blogger karla said...

Wombat, just so you know: When we had dinner at Mi Cocina in Plano, I rubbed my labia on your food. No, I don't mean I touched my labia with my hands and then touched your food--I mean I wiped my actual labia on your food. (You were eating tacos, but I couldn't say "I wiped my labia on your taco," because...well, because.)

I'm serious. Ask Brooks and Vanessa. On the drive home, they were all like, "Why did you wipe your labia on his food," and I was all like, "Because, man, because." And they just answered with a knowing nod.

PS: I bet tomorrow if I come back and read this, sober, I'm going to once again vow not to drink and blog.

12:58 AM  
Blogger CommonWombat said...


You've rendered me utterly speachless.


Keep your genitals off my food?

1:35 PM  
Blogger CommonWombat said...

You have also rendered me illiterate.

I meant "speechless."

1:38 PM  

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