Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Odds and ends... Lips and assholes...

Tonight, no particular aim to the blog... Just felt I should put fingers to keyboard and see what comes out. So - here we go with much ado about nothing relevant.

1) I've noticed a disturbing connection between picking your nose and talking on your cell phone in public.

Both are things we all do, and both are things that we are disgusted by when we see others doing it. I was driving through the neighborhood earlier today and I saw 3 people walking on the sidewalks, all separate from each other, all having animated discussions on cell phones. And I caught myself thinking who were these assholes with their fucking phones?

So unfair of me. I've used my cell phone on a sidewalk. I've done it in my car. But that was different, I say to myself, Those were important calls. What bullshit. I hereby declare that if you want to use your cell phone in public while I am there to witness it (provided you are not yelling and screaming or using one of those jackass fuckjob walkie-talkie phones) It's okay by me. Knock yourself out.

And if you come over to my house and have a crusty booger that's driving you nuts, pick away.

2) The "Cicadas pounced upon and brought kicking and screaming into my house to be brutally pawed to death" count is now up to 7.

Booger has proven to be quite the huntress. And I, being fairly bug-o-phobic (yes, the scientific name for it) keep finding myself in that position of choking down my utter disgust and acting like I'm so proud that she had brought this squirming, flapping monstrosity to me.

3) If you're not listening to Nellie McKay, go out right now and do so.

I really hadn't wanted to use this blog as a forum for CD reviews and bullshit like this, but I just want to say that I bought her debut album "Get Away From Me" the other day, and it has been in nearly non-stop rotation ever since. One of the most fun, original, and enjoyable albums I've heard in a long time... And she's only 19.

Well... That's a rant, a report, and a proclamation. That ought to cover my bases for this evening.


Blogger 弁蛇民 said...

im downloading nellie mckay on limewire right now. if its not good, im going to crap in your mailbox.

post on my compatriot!

10:47 AM  

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