Tuesday, September 06, 2005

You had me at "Braaaaaaaaap."

First of all, despite being generally lauded as a good idea, My whole "Sketches for the Gulf Coast" thing went over like a puppy on fire. Which is to say it ran around for a few minutes, made a lot of noise, and then collapsed in a smoldering heap. Only not so much with the running around and the noise. Picture the smoldering heap part and you're pretty much there. While you're at it, picture the smell of burning puppy. I'm not sure how you picture a smell, but give it the old college try. Got the image? That was my "Sketches" idea. Oh well... You live and learn. To the one person who did request a drawing, I promise to do something cool and get it up on here soon.

Okay, on to bigger and more upbeat things:

I just celebrated year 7 of wedded bliss with the wonderful and oft-mentioned-in-this-blog Sally. For you cynics out there, no not every second of it was actually bliss, and yes, some bits were really fucking hard, but you know what? (Strap on the barf bags!) I get to spend every day with my best friend on earth. She's smart, she's wonderful, she's funny and she has the most joyfully terrifying laugh on the planet. Certain Balti-bloggers can back me up here. Sally's laugh could peel paint. In a good way. Bottom line? Oh boy oh boy do I love my wife, and not a day goes by that I don't thank... um... whoever an agnostic thanks... that I get to hang out with her.

Anyway, I thought a nice way to subject all of you to a tiny slice of my joy would be to share the story of the moment (the exact moment!) that I fell in love with Sally.

In the year nineteen ninety cough cough mumble, I was entering my junior year at St. Dinky's Tiny College for Dumbasses. (Name changed to protect... um.. oh hell, Moravian College in Bethlehem, PA. Happy?) As a junior in the art program, I was entitled to my very own closet-sized art studio, which I was going to share with my good friend DogButt. (I've mentioned her before, and I'll just say once again that she writes a lovely and frequently touching blog here.)

Dogbutt called me up as classes were starting to inform me that an old friend of hers had just transferred into our school, and needed some studio space. She asked if her friend could cram into our tiny little closet, and I uttered the fateful words, "Any friend of yours, DogButt, I will probably wind up falling in love with and marrying."

Okay, I didn't say that, but I did agree to allowing this new person to cram in with us. And that night at dinner, I met my new studio-mate, Sally.

Upon first impression, I have to say that while she was cute and funny, I wasn't immediately smitten or anything like that. I was glad she seemed like an entertaining person, and that she didn't appear to be psychotic, given that I would be spending countless late nights in a crowded studio with her. I liked her, I just didn't liiiiiiike her, if you know what I mean. Besides, I had a girlfriend of 3 years at that point, and Sal had a boyfriend who was enrolled in a different school. Neither of us was, at that time, really looking for a mate.

But as far as a studio-partner and potential friend, I was quite pleased with her.

And so it was that the very next night I found myself alone with Sal in our previously mentioned tiny, tiny studio. I was sitting at my drawing table with my back to her, and she was there behind me working at her own small table. We had some music on, and were pretty much engrossed in our work.

The tape we were listening to must have run out, because there was a long moment of silence in the room and it was at that exact moment that she let out what is commonly known as a "Buffalo Bark."

She ripped one. A huge one. The kind where you could actually picture her butt cheeks rippling as it came out. A wallpaper-shredder. An ass-quake. A 100 dollar beef trumpet.

Now, I was sure at the time (and have since had it confirmed) that she had not intended for that fart to be, shall we say, public. Sal had been sitting there in the quiet studio, feeling the pressure in her hind-quarters growing, and had thought to let it out silently, so as not to offend the strange man sitting behind her. But you know how some farts have a mind of their own.

So now we were sitting there, post-ass-concerto, and the sound was still echoing. I tensed up, waiting to see what she would do, because as I have mentioned here before, I hate it when people don't fess up to farts that were obviously theirs. I especially hate it when girls pretend that the hole in their butt is non-functional. This was truly where the rubber met the road in terms of my forming an opinion of this cute girl I was going to be spending a lot of time with. I was okay with the fart, but would she be???

And then my friends, then in the lingering silence she says:

"Well, I'm glad we got that out of the way."

Looking back, I can tell you that it was at that exact moment that she won me over. Any cute girl that can beef like a truck driver and then confidently own up to it was okay in my book. No, better than okay. She was a diamond in the rough.

I know you're thinking that I'm playing this up, or just trying to be gross, but I'm being dead serious. Everybody has their own criteria for what it takes for a person to earn their respect and admiration, and she won mine right there. Not fake? Good sense of humor? I'm sold.

Also, she had cute ta-tas. I gotta be honest about that.

We became good friends, then best friends, and then about 2 years later, when the respective significant others were gone, we became boyfriend and girlfriend. That was over a decade ago. And I'm a far better man for knowing her.

So, there you have it boys and girls. Dreams do come true. And one day, if you're very lucky, you too may hear the brassy trumpet of love and feel that certain warm breeze on your face and know in your heart the joy that I have. And if he or she ate barbecue for dinner that day, you'll smell the joy as well.


Blogger karla said...

Love me or hate me for it, I will nonetheless swear to it: The hole in my butt is nonfunctional.

Hey, I'm getting that printed on a t-shirt.

11:00 PM  
Blogger karla said...

And I'm sorry to hear about the flaming puppy. I was looking forward to my sketch. Fine, I'll just send my money straight to the Red Cross and see if I can get anyone there to draw something for me.

11:03 PM  
Blogger CommonWombat said...

For the longest time I wanted a T-shirt that said "All my hair is on the inside," because for some reason I thought that was hysterical. The really weird part was that this was long before I shaved my head, and I very clearly had hair on the outside. Come to think of it, I've had a beard for like 14 years, so I really need to re-think this T-shirt idea.

And you, Karla, may have a sketch despite your claims to a nonfunctioning bunghole. I'll trust you to donate on your own. Just name your subject and it shall be yours.

Unless, you know, your subject makes me dry-heave. In that case, you'll get a drawing of a fluffy bunny.

12:13 AM  
Blogger Emily said...


Great story. This, of course, is why girls don't ever want their boyfriends to have girl roommates. You lady killer you!

I know that you appreciate Sally endlessly. But as lucky as you are to have a woman in touch with her buns hole, she is equally lucky to have a guy who encourages her to this end. (pun slightly intended)

3:36 AM  
Blogger acw said...

Women that aren't afraid to fart are pretty much the best women in the world. Can you tell I have one too?

10:56 AM  
Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

you boys are so enlightened.

i regret that this may be my one big flaw.

my hole is completely non-operational. but as you may have read, it does have its own faeries.

12:20 PM  
Blogger Miladysa said...

Ladies have a hole on their butt? Really? Guess mine must be a non-operational one also as per Karla and Kendra:)

1:15 PM  
Blogger CommonWombat said...

ACW, I didn't really speak to your (far) better half at the last happy hour, but I knew there was a reason I instantly liked her.

To clarify, It's not that I like farts, (although I think that if God hadn't wanted them to be funny, he wouldn't have installed a rusty trumpet in everyone's backsides...) and it's not that I like women who fart...

It's that I like women who are unashamed to be human. I dig that kind of honesty more than just about anything. Ladies, while I respect your right to a nonfuctional butthole, I encourage you all to fart freely and openly. At the very least don't hold back because you're afraid we'll think less of you, because I, for one, won't.

Hmmm. Farts as empowerment. Is THAT going to be my legacy when I'm gone? Christ.

1:50 PM  
Blogger Pandora Wilde said...

Honey breathes heavily when I burp. He makes me spray the room when I fart, even though he says he likes it.

8:21 PM  
Blogger Clare said...

One (of the many) reasons that I love Gabriel is because he refers to the bathroom as his "office" and can often be heard in there cracking up hysterically. If I happen to be in there, he'll make noises outside the door to ...I don't know, make me more comfortable? He's the best. Anyways, is it too late for a drawing? I would really be interested in this.

10:46 PM  
Blogger leesepea said...

Boy are you lucky we're both taken.

My boyfriend and I have a tendency to catch each other "tuning" our "instruments."

Sometimes we sound like lone whales calling to each other over the ocean that is the bed.

I once farted at the end of a hissy fit. I was all tense and for emphasis I turned on my heel to march away. Each step resounded with a ripply exhalation from my rear, to which my boyfriend replied, "Another statement punctuated by flatulance."

Sometimes I wonder if it's creepy that we're so comfortable around each other that farting isn't an issue.

Now I know it's not creepy.

It's cute!


12:23 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

OMFG I am still laughing. What a great story!!!!! My husband dave will appreciate that one!! after three years of marriage...and him farting constantly ....and me threatening to .... one day..I had enough of him telling me I never would and I sat on him (yes ON him) and farted.

I STILL can't believe I did it =) Hell, I think I am in love with your wife !!!!


4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lisa -
One time I came out of the shower, walked over to my husband, who was lying on the bed, and put my bare ass on his face and farted. This was actually BEFORE we were married. I can't believe he STILL married me after that!!

- Sally

11:01 PM  
Blogger CommonWombat said...

I was actually thinking about blogging about that incident, and then thought: "No, that'll just disgust everybody." Oh well, It's out there in the pastures now, might as well slap it on the ass and encourage it to run free.

It's true... I was lying on my back with my head hanging over the edge of the bed, and the next thing I know there was this bare ass on my face FARTING. The worst part, blog-o-buddies? The part that will keep you up at night with the cold sweats? It was WET!!

I hope to god that it was "I just showered" wet ass, and not "bean sandwich for lunch" wet ass.

Who's ready to take away Sally and my internet access???

11:44 PM  
Blogger Malnurtured Snay said...

You two are craaaazy wild :)

Sally - where's your blog? Huh?

3:28 AM  
Blogger Blondie... said...

OMG I just found your blog sorta on accident...

My sides are hurting...You are absolutely hilarious and very true. :D

Happy anniversary btw!

4:44 AM  
Blogger mrhaney said...

that was a good and funny story. it is almost impossibe to hide it or play it off like it was some thing else.

6:55 PM  
Blogger karla said...

This is unrelated, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a frappucino on me.

Well, I won't see you, so I guess I won't be paying for it, but pretend I am.

As long as we're pretending, have a new car on me, too.

11:16 AM  
Blogger Fish said...

Fantastic!!! I was once in a lift with a young lady who dropped an inadvertent air biscuit. She started to giggle, which set me off and by the time we reached the ground floor we were in tearful hysterics. I would loved to have asked her name but I just couldn't find the breath.

11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone poops, pees, farts and burps. Why hide it? lol If I have to fart, i'm gonna rip it right there. Holding it can only cause gas pains and it's just not worth it.

My husband and I often try to out fart/stink each other. He always wins but he has something on his side that I don't... he is lactose intolerant! When he farts one of his cheese farts, my skin peels off my skull and I almost die. lolol

I *love* that you talk about this on your blog. I feel like I have found "my peoples".

12:07 AM  

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