Thursday, September 23, 2004

Shopping Cart Wars II: The Cart Strikes Back

Early today I noticed that the Dreaded Shopping Cart (see previous post) had managed to move itself all the way into the alley behind our house. Before you go thinking that this represents some sort of major progress, I'll point out that the alley in question is 3 feet from Ground Zero. (Ground Zero being our garage door, where the Cart has a tendency to loiter)

Still... It may not have been much, but it was a move away from our door, which was something. I didn't allow myself to hope, though, that the cart would remain where it was. I knew that fate, or perhaps God (in his infinite wisdom) would soon return the cart to its rightful place in the universe, alongside our house. The question was, how long could it resist the pull of the garage door?

About 6 hours, as it turns out.

I returned from a meeting around 2pm and the cart was back in position, against my garage. In fact, this time it was actually facing the fouse, touching the house, as if someone had driven it straight at the door in an attempt to ram it straight through and into the garage itself. Or maybe as if the cart was actually trying to push itself under the door... It was, if I may be perfectly honest, a little bit eerie. Re-read Stehpen King's Christine, and any time he mentions the titular vintage automobile, cross it out and write "Creepy old shopping cart." You'll start to get the picture.

Anyway, I decided to try a little experiment and see what happens whan we stretch the umbilical cord just that much further. Tonight when I took out the garbage, I picked up the cart and moved it across the alley, placing it against my rearward neighbor's house. Will it find its way back? And if so, when? Adding even more intrigue to my (by now painfully obviously) dull life: What will the trash guys do tomorrow when they come and see the cart sitting right where my neighbors and I put out the trash?

Are you holding your breath? I know I am.


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